Saturday, February 13, 2010

And now for something completely different........

As I’m sure many of you have heard, the north east coast got DUMPED in snow. We had 20” fall in just over 24 hours. Maryland is just not equipped to handle this much snow, even if it came in smaller increments. The kids have not been in school for over a week……and cabin fever is in epidemic proportions. Complaints aside, we were so very blessed that we did not have any interruptions with our electricity or heat!

Since my last post, I created another child’s size dress form for a 9 month old. I am slowly making some progress in that department. Fabric for my next christening gown is laundered and ready to go. Now I just need some time alone to concentrate on the next one.

Although we were snowed in for a few days, I did make good use of my time clearing out some projects that were waiting in the wings for months. Whew! It’s always good to get that back log cleared up. It allows my creativity to blossom again.

One of these projects was an embroidered tote bag for my bible study group, Walking with Purpose. The hold up was that I just had not taken the time to really learn my embroidery machine that I bought last year. Enter the snow storm, several cups of coffee, and the kids sleeping late. It was the perfect setting for what I needed! I must say that I am quite pleased with the results and my resolve for seeing it through.

Making the tote was the easy part. The tricky task was digitizing the logo (did I mention the coffee?). So, today was the day! After a couple of test runs, I was ready to embroider on the tote pieces. I managed to place a pretty monogram on one pocket and the logo on the other pocket. When the embroidery was complete on those pieces, I was ready to assemble the tote. It came along beautifully if I say so myself. I can hardly wait to show the girls this week!

Let’s hope for a full week of school so that I can make some progress on a christening gown this week! Thanks for listening…..

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